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Certified and reliable photo optical measurement

by Dralle

See our innovative photo measurement solutions for the forestry and woodworking industries



Learn about the newest version of the long preferred, certified wood and timber stack measurement technology: sScale.


sScale delivers the fastest and most precise timber stack measurements in the market.

It is certifiably reliable, according to our certification from the German National Metrology Institute (the PTB). Read more...

In these videos with our longstanding customer the Bavarian State Forest, you can see how the sScale helps with a wide variety of tasks and problems.​


The quick measurement, booking and invoicing of timber, which the sScale makes possible, is essential to deal with recent years' calamities, such as storms and the European bark beetle...


Learn about tScale: an evolution in digital photo measurement of loads of wood chips and roundwood on trucks and trains.


tScale is the fastest way to accurately measure and process bulk goods. Whether for production or combustion, tScale works 24/7 and measures to the utmost precision.

tScale is in the process of getting the same stamp of certification that the sScale already has. Read more...



mScale is a timber measuring app for Android and the foresters best frien. It can be used on it's own for timber measurement or in sync with its big brother: the sScale.


mScale speeds up the manual timber measuring with handy tools, such as voice recognition and it calculates the mass automatically during measuring. All of it is connected to the server and transmits easily to the backend. Read more...

bScale is a concept idea building on Dralles expertise in stereoscopic photo optical technology. 

bScale is a project that we at Dralle want to make real-time bulk storage management issues a thing of the past.

Read more about what the goals of the bScale project is and contact us for more information

bScale storage facility measuring device


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DRALLE A/S has 15 years of proven practice with the largest forest and wood industry stakeholders of the world, that’s why DRALLE is the leader of the market within photo-optical stack measuring

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