Application of 'Stacks'/'sScale' for FCA forest
Round timber is measured in the forest and sold as a lumber stack. For the sale of stacks and assortments with volume stated as cubic measure.
The timber lumber stacks are completed and reported by the owner. In the forest with the free Android app 'StackSnap' or directly in the GPS module of the webServer.
The calibrated, photo-optic measuring of lumber stacks using 'sScale' is performed by the timber owner and the data is provisioned via the webServer. Display of the measured lumber stacks for sale, including documentation of the measuring (measurement results, lumber stack photo, lumber stack position and removal card) to the timber buyer. As an E-mail attachment or directly with limited access to the webServer for the buyer. Users are not only forest administrations, but also private and communal forests as well as forestry service provisioning companies.
Application 'Stacks'/'sScale' as a control measure
Round timber lumber stacks are measured in the forest with 'sScale' only on a random or product-specific basis in order to monitor and control logistics processes, such as the DDP delivery or factory input measure.
All the timber lumber stacks are completed and reported by the owner. In the forest with the free Android 'StackSnap' app or directly in the GPS module of the webServer.
The calibrated, photo-optic measuring of lumber stacks using 'sScale' is performed by the timber owner and the data is provisioned via the webServer.
The measuring results are maintained on the webServer for control and logistics purposes. In the event of a complaint, the measuring results are used to mediate the dispute.
Application 'Stacks'/'sScale' as a measuring/surveying service
Customers whose annual round timber volume does not use their own 'sScale' measuring system to capacity, can book the 'sScale' measuring as a service from external providers and still use the entire logistics process via their own webServer area. Users include forestry associations, private forest holdings or even forest administrations in the event of temporary capacity increase requirements for their own measuring with Scale.
As calibrated measuring, the measurement results can be used for business transactions - i.e. for sales and invoicing. The timber lumber stacks are reported as completed and labelled by the respective owner. In the forest by using the 'StackSnap' app or directly in the GIS module of the webServer.
The calibrated, photo-optic measuring of lumber stacks using 'sScale' is promptly performed by the external service provider and the data is provisioned via the webServer.
The measured lumber stacks can now be displayed, including the documentation of the measuring, for sale by the forest owner himself (measurement results, lumber stack photo, lumber stack position and off-site transportation card). As E-mail attachment or directly with limited webServer access for the buyer.

For storage management
Round timber storage as a temporary storage facility, wet storage or seasonal storage are gaining more and more importance when considering the climate-related calamities, the increased forest protection sensitivity and the seasonally restricted accessibility of forests.
In the case of round timber imports and exports, temporary storage facilities are also being created at the transshipment points.
Stocks in the processing plants would have to be inventoried periodically.
When using 'sScale' and the extension 'Highrise', very high and long lumber stack fronts can be calibrated and photo-optically measured.
This enables an efficient and effective stock management or a stock inventory taking for the round timber volume. This function is used by both, the state forestry organisations and the timber processing companies for stock management.

'mScale' - Digitisation of the traditional measuring methods
'sScale' cannot be used for a specific reason? Or is the conventional timber measurement in the sectional cubic measure and the recording of individual logs mandatorily required?
'sScale' customers, in addition also use 'mScale' on the one hand, as a backup solution for the calibrated measuring process and on the other hand, as a supplement for exploiting small occurrences of timber in remote regions. The manually recorded data are digitised right from the beginning and made available in a standardised form and hence, can be further processed as usual via the webServer and utilised for the logistics process.
In private forests, conventional timber measuring processes are traditionally used, which are supported by 'mScale' in the best possible way. Photo-optical determination of the number of items, the GPS positioning and the detection of individual logs are a valuable supplement.
All downstream data processes can be completely mapped within the 'Stacks' product line via the webServer.