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Incoming goods and load measuring of bulk material - automated and efficient

Optimised supply control, acceptance and settlement of raw materials as well as factory-internal logistics are of central importance for the optimal flow of processes at timber processing factories

With tScale, the load handling of trucks and train wagons is automated and completely digitized.


Incoming goods and load measuring are accelerated and the times on site in and around the company premises are minimised.


tScale will be integrated into process flows and local structures to improve overall factory logistics.

tScale is designed, manufactured, built and supported by the Danish tech company Dralle A/S
Anker 1
tScale also measures loads on trains and documents in an instant

tScale is designed for load recording on trucks and train wagons, which enables the measuring of plywood and bulk material with only one portal installation and easily takes place during the passage of the load carrier.


The individual loads are recorded with stereo camera-based 3D sensor modules to determine the true loading volume with high precision.

Camera modules also enable excellent documentation of the load and the load carriers during arrival and departure from the factory premises.

tScale is designed and developed in collaboration with the international wood handling concern Mercer.


It is therefore tested vigorously in a live environment and with the expertise of both photo optical and machine learning programmers, but also with the expertise of wood handling and selling experts from Mercer itself.


It is a ready-to-go onestop package for bulk material measuring and trading, for the whole of the woodworking industry.


tScale is using state of the art stereo cameras in order to do photo measuring of all of the load to the smallest detail. 

3 stereo cameras are used to record and analyse woodchips and other biomass material (marked in figure 1 with blue).

An additional 4 stereo cameras are added for the photo measuring and analysis of roundwood (marked in figure 1 with green), in order to catch the whole load of roundwood from all sides, and get the most precise photo measurement result possible.


You can also find more information by downloading our tScale handout on our Downloads page.


Secure handling 

of bulk material

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